Do I Need a Coach?

You work hard, you set goals, you stay up-to-date on news and trends, perhaps you even have a mentor. So why do you need a coach? In a nutshell, because a coach can help you achieve more in less time.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself to determine whether you would benefit from a coach:

  1. Do I want to get to the next level? Is your mind flooded with ideas and you need to sort them out? Do you need help prioritizing next steps? If you’ve had a particular goal for over a year and have not taken action, that is a clear sign you need help. Family and friends’ advice can conflict or they may not understand your industry or situation. You may not want to discuss personal goals or challenges with a professional mentor either. That’s where a coach comes in. A coach will help you get out of your head and provide a new perspective to your roadblocks and goals. Unlike friends and family, a coach provides an unbiased, knowledgeable perspective (assuming you selected one who has exposure to your field).

  2. Did I miss an opportunity because I was indecisive or afraid? Did you pass a job application because you weren’t clear on your career goals? I see many entrepreneurs waste time testing their idea, soliciting feedback, or perfecting every single detail of their business. Several months go by and they still haven’t started. A number of clients could have been booked during that time frame! While it’s smart to be thoughtful and strategic, sometimes we use this as an excuse to stay stuck. A coach can help you overcome your limiting beliefs and give you more confidence in your decisions. Through coaching, you will achieve your goals faster than you would on your own. This means less time and money in the long-run.

  3. Does my job or life lack meaning and fulfillment right now? Are you facing a major decision or transition? The role of a coach is to identify where you are right now, where you want to be, and how to get there. While your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities may not seem obvious to you, they are to a coach. Coaches help their clients fill in the knowledge gap, improve their weaknesses, and give simple, step-by-step instructions. A good coach should be honest and guide you toward a decision that is in your best interest.

  4. Do I need to be held accountable? Are you the type of person who gets a better workout by going to a class or a personal trainer? Perhaps you don’t but you need a little push in your professional life. Those who are coached are more intentional, accountable, and therefore more successful. This is why professional athletes invest in their emotional and mental development as well.

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5. What is this goal worth to me? Did you invest in a college degree? Why is it we stop investing in our personal development once we’re in the workforce? Is your employer willing to pay for a coach or a leadership program? Many employers do so it wouldn’t hurt to ask! Here’s a fun fact you can proudly tout: according to the International Coach Federation, 60% of organizations with a coaching culture report higher revenue compared to their peer group! While a graduate degree will also help with your professional development, a coach can focus on you and take it one step further. Another way to think about the investment is to think about what opportunities you will miss if you do not hire a coach: if you’re able to transfer your skills and improve your weaknesses, could you land your dream job? If you knew exactly how to scale your business, could you earn more revenue sooner? One way to reduce the cost is through group coaching or a mastermind. You won’t get the 1 on 1 attention but you can test the waters and see if that particular coach is a good fit for you.

Personal development is the belief you are worth the effort,” Denis Waitley. Trust me, you’re worth it!